< Master index Index for ./biomechZoo/Toolbox/Zoo Processing >

Index for ./biomechZoo/Toolbox/Zoo Processing

Matlab files in this directory:

 addchannel_datadata = ADDCHANNEL_DATA(data,ch,ndata,section)
 addevent_datadata = ADDEVENT_DATA(data,ch,ename,type) called by bmech_addevent to add data to event branches.
 bmech_NaNpartitionbmech_NaNpartition(fld) parititons all channels based on NaNs. All channels are
 bmech_addeventBMECH_ADDEVENT(fld,ch,ename,type,sfld) batch process of event addition
 bmech_combineBMECH_COMBINE(fld1,fld2,method,fl1exclude,fl2exclude) will combine data from 2 separate zoo files.
 bmech_copyallbiomech_copyall(fld1,fld2) copies all files from fld1 to fld2
 bmech_explodeBMECH_EXPLODE(fld,ch) batch process split of n x 3 channel data into three n x 1
 bmech_mergeBMECH_MERGE(fld,ch) batch process merging of exploded channels
 bmech_partitionBMECH_PARTITION(fld,evt1,evt2,nfld) partitions (cuts) files from evt1 and evt2.
 bmech_removechannelBMECH_REMOVECHANNEL(fld,ch,action) batch process removal of unwanted channels
 bmech_removeeventBMECH_REMOVEEVENT(fld,evt,ch) removes events from data set.
 bmech_removefolderBMECH_REMOVEFOLDER(fld,sfld) batch process removal of trials from subfolder 'sfld'
 bmech_renamechannelBMECH_RENAMECHANNEL(fld,och,nch) batch process renaming of channels
 bmech_renameeventbmech_renameevent(fld,evt,nevt) will rename events in your data.
 bmech_reptrialBMECH_REPTRIAL(fld,chrp) finds a representative trial per subject/condition based
 combine_datadata = COMBINE_DATA(data1,data2,method)
 explode_datadata = EXPLODE_DATA(data,ch) explodes channels
 explodechannel_datadata = EXPLODECHANNEL_DATA(data,ch) explodes channels
 mergechannel_datadata = MERGECHANNEL_DATA(data,ch) explodes channels
 partition_datadata = PARTITION_DATA(data,evt1,evt2,ch) standalone function to partition data
 removechannel_datadata= REMOVECHANNEL_DATA(data,ch) removes channels from zoo files
 removeevent_datadata = REMOVEEVENT_DATA(data,evt,ch) removes event from zoo file
 renamechannel_datadata = RENAMECHANNEL_DATA(data,och,nch) renames zoo channels
 renameevent_datadata = RENAMEEVENT_DATA(data,evt,nevt) will rename events in your data.

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